At Glenmore State School we believe that all students have the right to achieve their personal best at all times. Involvement in leadership builds and enhances in students the necessary citizenship skills to ensure a worthwhile contribution to the Glenmore State School community. Accountability and responsibility are inherent in this trust.
Students at Glenmore State School can apply for the following leadership positions:
school captain
sport house captain
music captain
library leader.
Students interested in becoming school leaders will need to submit an application form along with an application letter to the school principal. Interviews for school captain are completed in term four of each school year. Interviews for the other leadership positions occur in term one of the school year.
Badges are presented for the designated leadership roles of school captain, sport house captains, music captains and library monitors at the leaders’ induction ceremony in term one of each year.
School leader responsibilities
All school leaders:
- Have a clear knowledge of the school’s responsible behaviour plan.
- Follow and promote the responsible behaviour plan.
- Set a good example and encourage fellow students to do the right thing.
- Be friendly and helpful to fellow students.
- Be a good listener.
- Be a good ambassador for our school and attend various school functions.
- Assist in the running of the school parade
Student forum leaders:
Represent the student body at all times.
Attend meetings, develop and implement action plans.
Facilitate fundraising initiatives.
Meet with the principal to discuss concerns and issues.
Support each other and work as a leadership team.
Keep buddy classes informed of upcoming events.
Sport house captains:
Promote sports activities in the school and encourage participation by all.
Demonstrate exemplary sportsmanship qualities.
Help organise sporting events such as the athletics carnival and interschool sport.
Organise war cry cheer leading to encourage team spirit.
Meet with coaches and teachers to discuss concerns and issues.
Music captains:
Help give out music and instrumental notes.
Set up, clean up and store instruments.
Learn and operate Sibelius.
Write notices for the school newsletter.
Library leaders:
Be present in the library during lunch times and assist with duties as required.
Read to younger students.
Help with returns and borrowing.
Prepare library displays.
Speak on parade when required.
Deliver messages to, and collect resources from, teachers.